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Study in UK without IELTS as International Students in 2022


If you have decided to study at a British institution, you should be aware that you must be fluent in the English language. There are standard assessment exams that may be used to assess your level of English proficiency. The IELTS is one among them, and it is the most prevalent test in the UK. The IELTS is the standard exam that a student whose native language is not English must take in order to demonstrate his English competence.

Would you trust us if we told you that you could study in the UK without taking IELTS?

You really should, because overseas students may now study in the UK without IELTS! Because foreign students all around the globe demonstrate excellent levels of English language competency, several colleges in the United Kingdom are abandoning the mission of putting overseas students through IELTS. So put aside your preconceived beliefs regarding "Is IELTS essential to study in the UK?" Continue reading to learn how to study in the UK without taking IELTS.

What is IELTS?

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardised language assessment examination used by universities all over the world to assess potential international students' language ability.

This test is divided into four sections: reading, writing, listening and speaking. After finishing the three-hour test, students will be given an overall score for all of their fundamental English language abilities. Exams like this are used to assess your language abilities in English-speaking countries like the United Kingdom.

However, this is not always the case. You can also study in the United Kingdom without taking the IELTS exam. Continue reading to find out more.

What are the Top UK Universities without IELTS?

Many institutions in the UK's large spectrum of highly ranked and globally famous universities admit overseas students without the requirement of IELTS. 

Here is a list of all UK institutions that do not require IELTS:

  • The University of Essex
  • University of Central Lancashire
  • University of Greenwich
  • Swansea University
  • University of Northampton
  • University of Plymouth
  • Portsmouth University
  • Northumbria University
  • Robert Gordon University
  • University of Bolton
  • London South Bank University
  • University of Geneva
  • Riga Technical University
  • Audencia Nantes School of Management
  • University of Bristol
  • Birmingham City University
  • University of Basel
  • University of Warwick
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • Aston University
  • Bangor University
  • Brunel University

Can we get UK Visa Without IELTS?

Can I acquire a student visa to the UK if I don't have IELTS? Yes, you may receive a UK study visa without IELTS provided you can show the immigration authorities a certificate from the university where you have been admitted stating you are eligible for a study visa without IELTS. The following are the main conditions for a UK student visa without IELTS:

  • A document verified by your university stating that you are eligible to apply for a UK study visa without IELTS results.
  • Acceptance letter from a UK university
  • Without taking IELTS, applicants can take the Secure English Language Test (SELT), which is required by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI).

How to Study in UK without IELTS?

IELTS is not the sole tool for an institution to assess candidates' English competence. If you haven't taken the IELTS exam, institutions in the UK offer various options. Consider the following IELTS replacing criteria supplied by UK universities:

  • Online interview: Some colleges may request that you participate in an online interview to evaluate your English abilities.
  • High school English grades: If you achieved more than 70% in English in high school, certain colleges may examine your high school results rather than IELTS. Universities, on the other hand, have their own standards for certain courses. More additional information is available from our AECC specialists!
  • If you majored in English as the main specialisation while earning your undergraduate degree, you do not need to take IELTS.
  • Pre-sessional English Course: As previously stated, certain institutions offer pre-sessional English courses for students who wish to study in UK without IELTS and can thus enrol in these courses once approved for their desired degree or diploma programme.

What are Eligibility Requirements to Study in the UK?

To study abroad, particularly in an English-speaking nation, English proficiency test results such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and so on are required as part of the admission process. Similarly, IELTS is often required by many academic institutions to study in the UK, however, there is another option to get admission to an English university without presenting these results.

Yes, it is possible to study in the UK without taking IELTS if you meet the following requirements:

UK Admission Process for Without IELTS

The process through which students attend higher education at universities and colleges is known as university admission or college admission. 

Here is the admission process in the UK for international students.

UK Universities Offer Scholarships without IELTS

You probably think we've gone insane, but that's not the case because a handful of top-tier colleges offer UK scholarship programmes that do not require an IELTS score. These British scholarships range from completely financed to partially funded, so let's get right into our list of the best ten scholarships in the UK that don't need IELTS.:

  • Gates Cambridge University Scholarships
  • Rhodes Scholarships
  • Chevenings Scholarships
  • Commonwealth UK Scholarships
  • Clarendon Scholarship
  • Reach oxford scholarships
  • Nottingham developing scholarships
  • University of scholarship
  • Great scholarships
  • Womens stem scholarships. 

Can Overseas Students Work In The UK Without IELTS?

After completing your degree, you will be able to work legally in the UK without the need for IELTS. Most of the time, the British High Commission will accept students who have a "Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies" (CAS) from a UK university to which they have applied.

We can assist you on how to proceed with the application process if you are an AECC student with an offer letter from one of our United Kingdom partner universities. We'll keep you up to date on the most recent visa criteria and conditions, and we'll help you prepare the appropriate paperwork for submission.


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